Tai Chi Kung Fu - Some Authentic Facts

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Tai Chi is a Chinese internal martial art which has a "legendary" history because some sources claim it goes back as far as 5000 years.

Tai chi chuan means Supreme Ultimate Fist or at a stretch, Grand Ultimate Boxing. Tai chi comprises of forms which consist of a number of postures which flow into one another.

When performed fast, tai chi looks just like a kung fu form or even resembles a "karate kata"

The kmain styles of tai chi are Chen, Wu, Yang Sun and Lee. There seems to be variable dispute between different authors and soruces as to which came first out of Wu, Chen and Lee.

Yang style tai chi is probably the most popular style and came from Chen style. Grandmaster Lu Chan Yang establishjed the old yng style which was altered and became the New Yang style by his grandson Yang Cheng Fu.

The yang family style of Tai chi chuan consists of 115 postures, some of which are repeated. The core postures can be learned by firstyl learning the Beijing 24 style which is not a porper tai hi form but came into existence in the last century.

The Chen style consists of slow and fast movements combined again it has an old and new form.

Other styles can be researched on the internet.

In tai chi there are important things one must do to get the most benefit and improve your tai chi. One is to relax the body. this does not mean "let go" as i the Western sense of relax. More it means relax the jpints and lossen the shoulders, especially relax the waist area - this efers to the internal aspects of the waist area which is the muscles which should control the movements in tai chi.

The second important thing is to "clear the mind" clear the mind of all extraeneous thoughts and motion so that it is clean and pure. This will put you in the meditative concentrating state for tai chi practice.

Practice every day and your tai chi and your health will improve, under the guidance of good instruction.

I think it is important that if you are thinking about tai chi to commit to learning it for the rest of your life, no matter what. This is required because tai chi takes more than one lifetime to master, so you will always have something to get better at.

My website has some good resources for instruction if you take the time to explore it and the recommended resources. Click HereThe new tai chi website I created is founding by clicking here: http://www.tai-chi-kung-fu.com
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